Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Tonight Show

I am really interested in the relationship a commercial has to both the other commercials surrounding it as well as to the program it "interrupts."  So, i tuned in to The Tonight Show with Jay Leno on NBC thinking that this was the best way to see "mainstream" advertising.

What I found interesting is that I saw a series of commercials all focusing on the home/family, immediately before and after an interview with Sarah Silverman.

The first commercial was a Verizon commercial, you know the one where the dad goes in to work and asks his secretary what his schedule is and he is essentially spending the day texting his family.  Then, it was a local commercial about carpeting your home.  Finally, and this is the best... a commercial showing a family around the breakfast table.  The mother is silently tidying up the kitchen while the father respectfully "asks the tough questions" of his teenage daughter who missed curfew for a (gasp!) boyfriend.  I thought this was going to break into a joke, but it was actually sponsored by the Church of Latter Day Saints.  Then immediately to Sarah Silverman...

...who dives into making fun of Sarah Palin's giant family and the way she brings the kids all over the campaign trail.  Then she talks about her "The Great Schlep" video which I'm sure lots of people have seen and its fairly edgy.  

The next commercial segment begins with a depression medication, then goes into MetLife so "your family can watch its dreams bloom," then 2 plugs for NBC shows, then a car commercial, then a commercial for local politician (senator?) Jack Reed talking about "working Rhode Island families."

And then back to Sarah Silverman making sexual innuendos. 

So whats the deal?  Is NBC just screwing up and surrounding a controversial figure with family-values propoganda?  Is there some other way to understand this particular flow?

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